Ancient Coptic Text Says Jesus Was a Shape-Shifter.
Are we all eternal souls existing in random ephemeral biological containers?
I certainly do not claim to know the truth, or the full truth of the body of this article, and if ever anyone claims they know the truth in any matter; head for the exits, but a short while ago I came across an article that caught my attention. In it, an ancient Coptic text was deciphered, or transliterated is a more accurate description of the process, but nonetheless the article claims a few important points that were carefully downplayed, I assume to not start a firestorm; mainly that Jesus partook in the last supper with Pontius Pilate who offered his own son to die in Jesus’ place.
This is significant, but more importantly that he (Jesus) possessed the ability to change his form or the perception of his form to certain people that he encountered, including to his disciples. In the transliteration, he was said to have been in a state of form-changing or shapeshifting, or however you wish to interpret this capability, when Caiaphas’ functionaries came to collect him at the outset of the Passion. According to the article it was for this reason that Judas identified him to the soldiers via the infamous kiss, because they were confused as to whom they should arrest and had verbally expressed that before embarking. A link to the article which contains this image of the text is here.
Image credit: Image courtesy The Pierpont Morgan Library
Supposedly, that Coptic text originated sometime in the third century A.D. close to the time when many such texts of the early or proto-Christian church have been dated to be written; some earlier. Of course, many of those early texts did not make it into the official canon of the bible as many of the originators of these works, the so-called Gnosis or those lumped as Gnosis, were essentially political outliers.
In review of some of the other transliterations available in many modern scholarly books about documents from that era, particularly from the Nag Hammadi discovered in 1945, there are many such references of Jesus being incorporeal, or not of the normal processes of the human being and body. One that sticks out the most is the Coptic Apocalypse of Peter, attributed to the words of Simon Peter, but written many years later but still in that ancient era by someone else. Significant in this text are many references as to what the body actually is and what the soul is, and more importantly how little it is that the common human understands these things. There are many references to the feminine nature of our soul’s connection to this existence – whatever this existence really is. But one of the most unusual parts of Simon Peter’s retelling is when at the time of crucifixion he says that Jesus told him that the body he sees above the cross is laughing, and that the nails being driven into his body were being driven into a substitute for the body. Jesus supposedly told Peter that it was a likeness that they were attempting to shame. It was at this time that he saw others; angels and even other likenesses of Him come to Jesus in efflorescent light. In other texts, gnostic, in this case, such as the Second Treatise of the Great Seth words attributed to Jesus describe him coming into a bodily dwelling where he “cast out” the previous resident, and that also describes entire other races of beings and levels of order amongst them that apparently, he has descended from. One such example is below and I’m citing Fair Use here 17 USC §107. This is an excerpt from “Lost Scriptures”, by Bart D. Erhman, Copyright 2003, IBDN 0-19-514182-2, this excerpt from ‘The Second Treatise of the Great Seth’ pgs. 82- 83:
“I visited a bodily dwelling. I cast out the one who was in it previously, and I went in. And the whole multitude of the archons was disturbed. And all the physical matter of the archons along with the powers born of the earth began to tremble when it saw the likeness of the image, since it was mixed. And I was the one who was in it, not resembling him who was in it previously. For he was a worldly man, but I, I am from above the heavens. I did not reveal myself to them in the love which was coming forth from me. I was revealing that I am a stranger to the regions below.”
Without trying to play biblical scholar here, these writings are known by many and continue to be researched and transliterated by erudite academes and are probably worth your time to give a good read. Important to note is that Paul, who authored 13 of the 27 books of the New Testament, never met the corporeal Jesus, but is said to have met the non-corporeal Jesus, a vision, on the road to Damascus.
To me, it seems very similar to my admittedly limited gist of the Urantia Papers which I still haven’t gotten through, but what I have understood seems to point heavily to differing degrees of consciousness and corporeality, alien interaction with humans, past and present, and perhaps an alien origin of all humans.
This all may sound, well, alien to you. I get it, but no longer are UAPs (formerly UFOs) the stuff of crazy folk. Finally, they are being recognized as at least a real and obvious phenomenon worthy of scientific investigation and public scrutiny. I was shocked when at the latest Congressional hearing (Nov 13) on the subject that one conservative US Senator on the recent panel referred to "inter-dimensional”
beings. My god, that is an incredible leap. It seems that they are slow rolling around to the very essence of our existence and all life and phenomena in this part of the universe called Earth. Better late than never. They are just starting on a path that many have known and attempted to comprehend for lifetimes. And that is that there is much more to our existence and this universe than we could ever possibly imagine. Dogmatic adherence to the rules and conventions of our narrow, violent, and basal society prevents pulling away the curtains and disallows the humility required to embrace other realities, or even the one we actually live in.
What the soul and consciousness is and how that relates to the body and the body’s experience of the universe is a thrilling and never-ending question. In the present time “The Idea of the World” by Bernardo Kastrup boldly seems to break with physicalist science that tries to understand the universe in little material bits apart from the mind, and perhaps, in essence, the soul whereas science worships matter, and on the other hand religion worships an all-knowing non-physical being and that between the two extremes, the truth itself is locked out of the true nature of the universe which may be mental. This concept seems to be on a path with a supposed “Alien Interview” (see author Lawrence Spencer) of one of the surviving Roswell bodies who gave its name telepathically as Airl to Matilda O’Donnel-Macelroy, her later married name. Matilda O’Donnell was a nurse at the base that the military took the alien survivor to. Airl spoke of the living being as essentially a soul in a container that may be biological or not, and all of us sentient beings as immortal spiritual beings (IS-BEs). I know that some have claimed that the Alien Interview is Church of Scientology propaganda. So, disclaimer, I am not a member and am not a member of the usual religious segmentations either. What I am is someone who can see the connections and the reasons why some would like to keep all this knowledge disconnected. Imagine a world that understands your existence solely as a spirit inserted into a random biological body. Instantly, there is no heritage to burden or to be proud of, no race to be exploited or shunned, no religion could compete or indoctrinate anyone. And hopefully, no war. All that should remain is how we positively enhance the experience in the bodies and therefore our interpersonal relationships and enhance the soul. There’s something to be said about all of us as eternal spirit just having an ephemeral human existence for reasons that are still unclear.